Famex Trade, has its different ventures or field used to Generate income or profit, which is used in making payment to investors and also meeting up to all needs of our well respected investors.
Famex Trade Ltd. engaged in Consultancy and brokerage in the field of aviation, in particular brokering of aeroplanes; Trade in goods of all kinds, in particular in the aviation sector; complete description of the purpose according to the statutes, and also invest in the business of investing pooled capital into financial securities.
Famex Trade Ltd. also engages in the management, sale, and marketing of investment products to the public.
Investment companies make profits by buying and selling shares, property, bonds, cash, other funds and other assets.
we as an innovative and future based company also recently accepted the use of crypto currency and some basic means of investing , we did this simply because we want to be global and also through this use other interested and well devoted investors from different countries of the world can get along and invest and also work in the company. we are also making some basic needed moves to extablish all our headquarters in different countries Through the use of basic investors and also incorporating different business ideas , this is also basically to proper greatly needs to deliver on this basic earning and also to keep our words to all our investors and this is our major focus and directions towards getting all individuals needs , and this we can get across to all system of government and also influence and advocate for the common vision of ones in our world .
Famex Trade Ltd. generates the maximum possible profit using various trading tools, great tireless analytical work, highly qualified specialists of different profiles: traders, analysts, experts on the global economy, managers, developers, programmers etc. well-coordinated work of the whole team of employees, based on the interaction and responsiveness to the slightest changes in market conditions, is key to the overall success of our company.
With our great and tireless effort to get to all our willing investors a better Housing Unit , we have developed multiple areas and also deversify in the world bank Idea of sustainable development and we are making all effort and over time have delivered to all our investors the best possible Housing Unit they want and have budgeted for, and we look forward to creating more employment opportunities through this source and we are connecting to multiple industries and many Governmental bodiesin getting all this vision achieved ..
We were born to create the new digital economy! We are among the 25 most trusted exchanges in the world in 2020, we are the largest cryptocurrency and digital asset platform in Asia and Europe, and we are trusted by more than 3 million customers.
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